Thursday, August 11, 2011

Guest Blogger Julie Moore

I am so excited to introduce to you my new friend Julie Moore.

I recently met Julie at a function for the women's leadership team at our church and am blessed to be serving with her in a Life Group as well. Though, as women, we have many things in common, the greatest of these is GRACE.

Love Him Where He Is Right Now

When Brandy asked me to guest post I began thinking about what makes a grace full wife. Lots of things came to mind but one stuck out in my head.

My husband and I got married when I was 17 and he was 18. Neither of us were believers in Christ. He was enlisted in the army so we traveled to Kentucky for a year then Germany for another. I was miserable away from home as I was a family girl. So when I found out I was pregnant and would go stateside to deliver I was elated although I would miss hubby.

After my daughter was born and hubby was home from Germany I decided (the Holy Spirit decided) it was time for me to start my baby in church. She and I went and after a few weeks I accepted Christ and life began to change for me.

I no longer wanted to smoke, drink, hear bad language, or listen to secular music. All these were things hubby and I did together. Needless to say Jesus was changing me and I loved Him and wanted my family to have this sweet relationship I had too.

So I started asking hubs to come with me. His answer was always a firm, “No.” It went on like that for years and I continued to pray and pray waiting for God to make him get saved. I didn’t understand that neither God nor I could make him believe, it was hubs decision to change his way of life.
However I continued to plead as if going to church was the answer to all our problems.

Then the day came and he finally went. 

Then he asked the pastor to come over to our home.

Then he prayed to receive Christ.

Hallelujah! My troubles were over, right? Wrong.

Hubby continued to go with us for a while. By then we had a son also and the four of us went to service together several times a month. Then one week he stopped going. I was so disappointed. Hurt. Let down.  I was alone. Again.

Guess what I did? Yep I began to nag him to come back to church. Let me just say now, nagging does not work! It does however push your loved one in the opposite direction. He did not come back for years.

One day I heard the Lord speak to me in my Spirit saying, “He doesn’t have to be in church for Me to speak to His heart. Leave him alone, love him where he is and let me work it out.

As a grace full wife this has brought me more peace in my marriage than almost anything God has taught me. Love. Your. Husband. Where. He. Is.  As hard as that sounds it is so easy to do. The burden of his relationship with Jesus was taken off me and put where it’s supposed to be. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Julie Moore

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